Thursday, July 27, 2006

she only drinks coffee at midnight when the moment is not right.

Randy is the man. He called me yesterday with two extra tickets to Train (preceeded by I Nine). Alison and I were overly delighted in the aisle of Sam's Club.

The show was great. Pat's pants were spray painted onto his fatless body and he flitted about the stage with a great vocal range. I think he was a ballerina in a former life, too. They played Meet Virginia, All American Girl, She's on Fire, Drops of Jupiter, Explanation, Cab, Get to Me, Helpless, Save the Day and many more, of course, but those were the ones that made me the happiest.

And I got a letter from Matt yesterday... I will never voluntarily go into BMT. But he survived Warrior Week and is doing well. There's still time to write to him, so keep the letters going out! Ask me for the address if you need it.

In one week, I will be in Texas. Excited doesn't describe it. Neither does anxious...

I'm high enough from all the waiting to ride a wave on your inhaling because I love you. I can't help but love you.

The pepper died. I replaced it with petunias. They might be dying too. But its not my fault. I'm really not bad with plants. Just ask Carol, my ivy. Matt gave her to me over a year ago and she's thriving quite nicely.

I got a new liscense today. That was exciting. $25. Snap a picture. See you in ten years.

I made more scones. Blueberry this time. And I froze the dough so they can be baked freshly. Mmm. Oh, and Alison made curry stir fry after I walked to the store for a pepper. I bought peaches, too. I gave one away to a man on the street who was looking for money. He was almost as excited about the peach as I was about the one I was eating already.

I'm going to Charleston on Saturday morning before I work at JJ to switch cars with my Mom. The AC in Jimmy is broke. I think I'll be driving the Cow Mobile. Sweet.

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