Monday, July 17, 2006

i'm watching from the wall as in the streets we fight...

This week Matt Jones is going through AEF Training - Warrior Week. Pray extra hard for him while he's rolling around in the mud and shooting things...

Trainees learn basics of survival, combat skills during field training, in the Fourth Week of Training. Warrior Week is a weeklong exercise during the fourth week of Basic Military Training that gives basic trainees a taste of Air Force deployments.

Warrior Week was added to BMT to instill a warrior mentality, give recruits the necessary skills to operate in a field environment and provide them with a better concept of Air Force operations.

This training is a mock Air Force deployment where recruits are able to apply the basics of antiterrorism techniques; self aid and buddy care; nuclear, biological and chemical preparedness; weapons training; and teamwork they have learned in the First through Third weeks of training. Trainees then “deploy” to a mock air base, set up tents and start their field training. Trainees are taught the basics of using an M-l6 rifle and receive marksmanship training at the firing range. Because of the increased threat of terrorism, trainees also practice many antiterrorism techniques. These techniques give trainees knowledge and insight in terrorist tactics and how to counteract those tactics.

Next, trainees are taught self-aid and buddy care techniques. These skills include how to properly provide first aid in the field, how to treat and recognize conditions such as shock, and care for wounds or illness that may occur during a deployment.

The threat of nuclear, biological and chemical warfare is very real. To prepare for these threats, trainees are taught to properly don chemical masks and protective over garments. They are also taught to recognize and properly mark unexploded ordnance.

This world has gone to war, all I need is you tonight. And I draw a line to your heart today. To your heart from mine and pray to keep us safe.

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