Tuesday, September 12, 2006

sweet like candy to my soul

Matt is now in Phase III! Woot!
I can't wait to go to Biloxi - Ha, I never thought I'd say that.

I am now aware of the fact that the majority of my professors have set their ambitions a little high on their syllabi which throws off all planned studying and events in my life. I have no stability.

But I've accepted it. (Sort of.)

Ok. That's it. I can't remember. College is breaking my spirit. Every single day telling me things I don't know, it's making me feel stupid. (Marty, GG 5.09)

"You won't see Disney using dainty furniture. Why? Because of rugrats. You know, biscuit snatchers, curtain pullers." - Mr. Smoak

I have failed two quizzes this semester. The sad thing is that I read - just too far in advance to me to recall all of my vocabulary in 30 seconds.

I'm reading Enter the Worship Circle. It's my book of choice - finally. And I am determined to finish it. I keep stumbling across things that I've read at least six times before. Oy. Four years later and I will get to the end!

"We have a heart (it can be broken); we have a history (some of it not so good); we are often very demanding. We need a grand, legendary love just to deal with us. We are also convinced that it will take a miracle for someone to truly love us becuase we can scarcely love ourselves. When someone comes along and, after seeing all of us - the good, the bad, and the ugly - still offers unconditional love, we treasure them like no other!" - Ben Pasley, author of ETWC

Good stuff. And speaking of good stuff, it's almost time for pumpkin spice lattes. Fall, here I come!

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