Monday, September 17, 2007

i'm feeling nervous trying to be so perfect

Today was a good day. And busy. Busy. Busy.

The weather was beautiful and the people were great. And the music and anticipation was almost too much to handle. (Picture: windows down driving to Avril Lavigne along with cleaning my bedroom with new Dave songs.)

And who knew Jestine's Kitchen had amazing Coca-Cola cake and Cary Ann Hearst?

"I love this city." - Anthony Bourdain (about Charleston)

... 'cause I know you're worth it. You're worth it.

1 comment:

alison said...

I did, but only because JP did. And that is where we went for both coca-cola cake and a country sounding hipster.

See you Friday! Also, we play West Ashley on Friday. Maybe we can trash talk over dinner.