Monday, September 15, 2008

what a mess i make of my days

I feel like I'm being crushed and it's taking every ounce of me not to have a nervous breakdown.

Actually, that's not true. Every ounce of me has crumbled. The only thing keeping me from collapsing is God - which is crazy since I haven't been very attentive to him recently.

I don't feel strong at all. Everything here is wrong and it's not what you think.

His grace is sufficient. His strength is made perfect in my weakness. He is the love - the love that moves the sun and the stars and my heart.


alison said...

still one of my favorites, and saved to my desktop.

Kim said...

hello :) i stumbled on your blog when i was doing a search for song lyrics.. and i was surprised by how some of your posts had somehow put into words what my mind has been mulling over for the past few weeks. i just want you to know that i am going through something very very similar, and that you are not alone in how you feel. if you ever need anyone to talk to, please don't hesitate to reach out to me :)

-a fellow heartbroken soul