in·ci·den·tal –adjective
1. | happening or likely to happen in an unplanned or subordinate conjunction with something else. |
2. | incurred casually and in addition to the regular or main amount |
in·ten·tion·al –adjective
1. | done with intention (an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result) or on purpose; intended |
2. | of or pertaining to intention or purpose. |
"We all want to help people... but for most of us we just don't know how to shift the gear from incidental to intentional." - Paul Rienzo
"You know, sometimes living the in the suspense of what's going to happen is what's required when you live an intentional life." - Paul Rienzo
"... and it's just like I'm standing on this cliff, looking out into this huge, foggy... like, a huge, foggy abyss, and, in my whole life, there's never been an abyss. It's been abyssless. I've always known exactly what is in front of me, and I've always known exactly where I'm going, and now...I don't know what's out there... and I hate not knowing what is out there. I mean, what's going to happen to my career and my relationship... and the rest of my life?" - Episode 7.07
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." Mark 16:15
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