Thursday, December 11, 2008

here in the heartland...

a feeling so startling.

hot mess:
1. a person that looks just pitiful
2. a person who looks as if they've been to hell and back

that's me.

i don't know what i should do.

warning: kissing can be dangerous. (repost)

oh my.

i read a lot of blogs.

vampire weekend - bryn

you know, it's easy to see.

1 comment:

Bryon said...

Hahaha, thank you for your advice. That's awesome that #41 is your favorite song; I love it so much, it can be happy, sad, anything and everything, but always beautiful. :) What is your favorite version? Mine is either Luther College or... Listener Supported. And I checked out your flickr-you certainly don't look like a hot mess. ha.