Friday, October 05, 2007

if you are chilly, here take my sweater

Gnocchi is better at Bocci's than it is from a box. Even if you doctor it up.

Speaking of doctors... I have Grey's Anatomy Season 3 on dvd. It might be one of the best gifts ever.

I bought roses for myself. They're pretty. They accidentally helped me clog the garbage disposal. I helped fix the garbage disposal. My roses are still pretty.

I'm waiting. For lots of things. One of them being the new Radiohead album to be available for download.

I like fall. I like rain. I don't like humidity.

I like pumpkins. And pumpkin flavored things. And cinnamon. And cinnamon flavored things. I like our new posters at the store, but I don't like making them.

I employ a lot of people right now. I'm waiting for that to work out.

I'm waiting for them to call me with questions tonight. I don't mind because I like them.

I'm waiting for Target to become sacred again. I miss it.

I'm waiting to find Mr. Potato Head hiding in my store.

I'm waiting for the end of the month so I can go to New Orleans. (I paid off the plane tickets today!)

I'm waiting for my headache to go away.

I'm waiting for Rob and Laurie to come home next week.

I'm waiting. waiting. waiting. For lots of things.

I miss Columbia. And I miss Matt. A lot.

And I like (most of) my customers. They're funny. And nice. And generous. And flattering. It's a good thing I have going on with them. I miss them sometimes, too.

'Cause I love you more than I could ever promise. And you take me the way I am.

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