Tuesday, October 01, 2013

It's possible that I overextended myself in September. Or, as my friend Parker said, I was burning the candle at 20 different ends.

So, October is a month for renewal. Fall is my favorite season. October is one of my favorite months. This year, I will use it to find joy and renewed energy.

"... in October, everybody walks around with a certain energy as if they are going to be elected president the next day, as if they are going to get married." (Donald Miller)

I started by meditating for just one minute this morning and reading a story from the book, Cold Tangerines.

"Today, humble Today, presents itself to us with all the ceremony and bling of a glittering diamond ring: Wear me, it says. Wear me out. Love me, dive into me, discover me, it pleads with us." (Shauna Niequist)

Slow and steady wins the race.


1 comment:

Craig Archer said...

Erin, You are an amazing crafter of words. I hope you are keeping these tidbits of wisdom somewhere on your computer. I guarantee, later on, you will want to organize this into a book. I did not even come close to the wisdom you embody until, hmm lets see, now.