Sunday, October 25, 2009

i don't read my horoscope. ever. even though it comes up on my igoogle everday. but today i did. this is it:

You are ready to put on a real show today. Whether it's about expressing your feelings of love, pitching a business plan or doing some decorating around the house, you are tempted to go overboard with too much drama. Keep in mind that a bit of self-restraint might be exactly what is needed to maximize the progress you can make now.

i plan on doing all three of those today. with no drama. no no drama.


Anonymous said...
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Charles Robinson said...

You're telling someone you love them, pitching a new business plan, and redecorating all in the same day?!

Who are you and what have you done with Erin?

P.S. Oops, signed in with the wrong account the first time. :-)